Cteni dat z elektromeru pres opticke rozhrani do mqtt

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Příspěvky: 2
Registrován: 27. prosinec 2021, 23:32

Cteni dat z elektromeru pres opticke rozhrani do mqtt

Příspěvek od Schaps »

konecne jsem se dokopal k tomu, abych trochu ucesal svuj python skript na export dat z elektromeru ( CEZ ADX12A), aby sel pouzit i nekym jinym.
Co budete potrebovat:
  • Prevodnik USB=>ETH=>USB, pokud neplanujete mit zarizeni primo u elektromeru. Neco jako toto: Aliexpress
Moje zapojeni je takove:
opticka hlavice => USB2ETH => 20m UTP kabel => ETH2USB => USB port na stroji, kde mi bezi HA.

Python skript pro cteni dat

Kód: Vybrat vše

#This script reads data from CEZ electricity metering device to mqtt brooker. It uses USB reading device (magnetic head) attached on meter device. This script is messy, I know but works for my purpose :) Feel free to modify.
#You need to install mqtt package mqtt like this: pip3 install paho-mqtt Other packages are standard python packages.
import serial
import re
import csv
import time
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from paho.mqtt import client as mqtt_client

PORT='/dev/ttyUSB1' # device eg /dev/ttyUSB1
# obis codes send to MQTT broker eg obis_codes=["1.8.0","1.8.1","1.8.2"]

#MQTT configuration
broker = 'mqtt.example.org'
port = 1883     #default 1883
topic = "home/electricity_meter"
# generate client ID with pub prefix randomly
client_id = "" #Unique id, eg 5f897aa8-4574-11ea-b878-0242ac120002
username = ""
password = ""
store_csv=False #True or False
csv_filename="data.csv" #date will be added to filename

logging.basicConfig(filename=logfile_name, filemode='a', format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
baudrates=(300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200) # allowed speed from IEC

# search for particular obis code in result
def searchfor(matrix, obis_code):
    for i in range(len(matrix)):
        if matrix[i][0] == obis_code:
            return matrix[i] # returns whole row with searched code

#send data to MQTT brooker
def publish(client,topic,msg):
    result = client.publish(topic, msg)
    status = result[0]
    if status == 0:
        print(f"Send `{msg}` to topic `{topic}`")
        print(f"Failed to send message to topic {topic}")

# connect to mqtt brooker
def connect_mqtt():
    def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
        if rc == 0:
            print("Connected to MQTT Broker!")
            print("Failed to connect, return code %d\n", rc)

    client = mqtt_client.Client(client_id)
    client.username_pw_set(username, password)
    client.on_connect = on_connect
    client.connect(broker, port)
    return client

def read_serial_data():
    print("Start reading data from "+PORT)
    print("This take up to 30s")
    while (read == True):
        a = ser.read(1) # read from serial device
        buffer += a.decode("ascii") # decode from acii
        charcount += 1
        if (buffer[-1] == chr(0x21)): #check for "!" - indicator end of message
            read = False # stops the loop
            print("! detected, end of transmission")
            print(charcount," characters transsmited")
            ser.close() # close serial port
            return buffer

def write_to_csv(result, csv_name):
    with open(csv_name,"w+") as my_csv:
        csvWriter = csv.writer(my_csv,delimiter=';')

# set serial port configuration
ser =serial.Serial(port=PORT,baudrate=300,bytesize=serial.SEVENBITS,parity=serial.PARITY_EVEN,stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE,timeout=5)
time.sleep(0.2) # mandatory delay
print("Sending request for initial data")
ser.write(b'/?!\r\n') # sends request for data - standard format
response=response.decode("ascii") # convert response from binary to ASCII
speed=int(response[4]) # get max speed of communication from response from 5th char of string
print ("Setting speed to:",baudrates[speed])
s=bytes([6,48,48+speed,48,13,10])  #creates request for data readout mode #<ACK>050<CR><LF>
ser.write(s) # sends request for data
time.sleep(0.2) # mandatory delay
ser.flush() # flush serial buffer
ser.baudrate = baudrates[speed] # set higher speed of communication
serial_data=read_serial_data() # reads data from serial device

structured_data=[["code","value","unit","date"]] # creates 2D array with column headers

for line in serial_data.split('\n'): # read string line by line (\n as delimiter)
    line=line.replace("kW,", "kW;") # changes second "," for ";" before split
    line=line.replace(" imp", ";imp") # changes space for ";" before split
    structured_data.append(re.split('\(|\*|;',str.rstrip(re.sub(r"[\)]", "", line)))) # re.sub remove ")" then str.rstrip remove \r\n then re.split splits data into lists and append as new row in 2d array

# show data in matrix
#print('\n'.join(['\t'.join([str(cell) for cell in row]) for row in structured_data])) # prints result as 2D matrix

# convert date string from meter device to standard date
for i in range(len(structured_data)):
    if ((len(structured_data[i])==4) and (i>1)): # search for 4th column with date
        structured_data[i][3]=datetime.strptime(structured_data[i][3], '%y%m%d%H%M')

# writes data to csv
if (store_csv == True):
    now = datetime.now()
    date_string = now.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")

client = connect_mqtt()

# find obis codes in result a send them into mqtt brooker, this function can handle only obis codes with three values in a row (code,value,unit). It doesn't work with date.
for i in obis_codes:
    publish(client,topic+"/"+code,float(value.replace(',','.'))) # replaces decimal "," with "." - needed to convert from str do float (deletes leading zeroes)

HA konfigurace configuration.yaml

Kód: Vybrat vše

  - name: "Elektromer - celkova spotreba"
    unique_id: "home-elektromer-1.8.0"
    device_class: "energy"
    state_class: "total_increasing"
    unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
    state_topic: "home/elektromer/1.8.0"
    last_reset_topic: "home/elektromer/1.8.0"
    last_reset_value_template: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'

  - name: "Elektromer - vysoký tarif"
    unique_id: "home-elektromer-1.8.1"
    device_class: "energy"
    state_class: "total_increasing"
    unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
    state_topic: "home/elektromer/1.8.1"
    last_reset_topic: "home/elektromer/1.8.1"
    last_reset_value_template: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'

  - name: "Elektromer - nízký tarif"
    unique_id: "home-elektromer-1.8.2"
    device_class: "energy"
    state_class: "total_increasing"
    unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
    state_topic: "home/elektromer/1.8.2"
    last_reset_topic: "home/elektromer/1.8.2"
    last_reset_value_template: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'
a pak uz staci jen pridat senzory do energy dasboardu. Pokud vam staci celkova spotrebovana energie, pouzijte kod 1.8.0 (soucet vsech tarifu), pokud chcete rozlisovat mezi tarify, pouzijte 1.8.1 (vysoky) a 1.8.2 (nizky) a HA vam to v dennim grafu hezky secte.

Snad to nekomu pomuze. Pokud to budete zkouset i s jinym druhem elektromeru a bude to fungovat, urcite dejte vedet ve vlaknu. Dopredu rikam, ze nejsem programator a muj kod je takovy slepenec ze stackoverflow a ruznych navodu na internetu. Takze pokud se toho nekdo ujme a ten kod ucese a bude udrzovat, budu jen rad.

Nováček na fóru
Nováček na fóru
Příspěvky: 2
Registrován: 27. prosinec 2021, 23:32

Re: Cteni dat z elektromeru pres opticke rozhrani do mqtt

Příspěvek od Schaps »

Obis kody:

Kód: Vybrat vše

"OBIS code
C.D.E"	Description EN	Highlight  allways	Description CZ
0.0.0	Device address 	1	Adresa zařízení
0.0.1	Customer Specific 0.0.1		Zákaznický údaj 0.0.1
0.0.2	Customer Specific 0.0.2		Zákaznický údaj 0.0.2
0.0.3	Customer Specific 0.0.3		Zákaznický údaj 0.0.3
0.0.4	Customer Specific 0.0.4		Zákaznický údaj 0.0.4
0.0.5	Customer Specific 0.0.5		Zákaznický údaj 0.0.5
0.1.0	MD reset counter 		Počet nulování registrů
0.1.1	Customer Specific 0.1.1		Zákaznický údaj 0.1.1
0.1.2	MD reset timestamp	1	Datum/čas nulování registrů
0.2.0	Firmware version		Verze firmware	Customer Specific		Zákaznický údaj
0.2.1	Parameters scheme ID		ID nebo název konfigurace (schematu parametrů)
0.2.2	Tariff program ID or name		ID nebo název terifního programu
0.2.7	Passive calendar name		Název kalendáře
0.3.0	Active energy meter constant (metrological LED)		Konstanta činné energie (LED)
0.3.1	Reactive energy meter constant (metrological LED)		Konstanta jalové energie (LED)
0.3.3	Active energy - output pulse		Výstupní impuls pro činnou energii
0.3.4	Reactive energy - output pulse		Výstupní impuls pro jalovou energii
0.4.1	Reading factor for energy		
0.4.2	Current transformer ratio (numerator)	1	Převod proudových transformátorů (primár)
0.4.3	Voltage transformer ratio (numerator)		Převod napěťových transformátorů (primár)
0.4.4	Current transformer ratio (denominator)		Převod proudových transformátorů (sekundár)
0.4.5	Voltage transformer ratio (denominator)		Převod napěťových transformátorů (sekundár)
0.8.0	Demand (medium power) period [mins]	1	Perioda odečtu středního výkonu
0.8.4	Load profile period [min] (option)		
0.9.0	Time expired since last end of billing period		Doba od konce posledního fakturačního období
0.9.1	Current time	1	Aktuální čas
0.9.2	Current date 	1	Aktuální datum
0.9.4	Date and Time		Datum a čas
0.9.5	Day of week		Den v týdnu
1.2.0	Positive active cumulative maximum demand (A+) total [kW]		Maximum činné spotřeby kumulativní (A+) total
1.2.1	Positive active cumulative maximum demand (A+) in tariff T1 [kW]		Maximum činné spotřeby kumulativní (A+) v tarifu T1
1.2.2	Positive active cumulative maximum demand (A+) in tariff T2 [kW]		Maximum činné spotřeby kumulativní (A+) v tarifu T2
1.2.3	Positive active cumulative maximum demand (A+) in tariff T3 [kW]		Maximum činné spotřeby kumulativní (A+) v tarifu T3
1.2.4	Positive active cumulative maximum demand (A+) in tariff T4 [kW]		Maximum činné spotřeby kumulativní (A+) v tarifu T4
1.36.0	Demand threshold counter 		
1.36.0	Demand threshold counter 		
1.36.0	Demand threshold counter 		
1.36.0	Demand threshold counter 		
1.4.0	Positive active demand in a current demand period (A+) [kW]		Činná spotřeba (A+) v aktuálním období
1.5.0	Positive active demand in the last completed demand period (A+) [kW]		Činná spotřeba (A+) v poslední ukončeném období
1.5.1	Import active tariff 1 power at apparent demand		***
1.5.2	Import active tariff 2 power at apparent demand		***
1.5.3	Import active tariff 3 power at apparent demand		***
1.5.4	Import active tariff 4 power at apparent demand		***
1.6.0	Positive active maximum demand (P+) total [kW]	1	Maximum činné spotřeby (P+) celkově
1.6.1	Positive active maximum demand (P+) in tariff T1 [kW]		Maximum činné spotřeby (P+) v tarifu T1
1.6.2	Positive active maximum demand (P+) in tariff T2 [kW]		Maximum činné spotřeby (P+) v tarifu T2
1.6.3	Positive active maximum demand (P+) in tariff T3 [kW]		Maximum činné spotřeby (P+) v tarifu T3
1.6.4	Positive active maximum demand (P+) in tariff T4 [kW]		Maximum činné spotřeby (P+) v tarifu T4
1.7.0	Positive active instantaneous power (A+) 	1	Aktuální činná spotřeba (P+)
1.8.0	Positive active energy (A+) total [kWh]	1	Spotřeba činné energie (A+) celkově
1.8.1	Positive active energy (A+) in tariff T1 [kWh]	1	Spotřeba činné energie (A+) v tarifu T1
1.8.2	Positive active energy (A+) in tariff T2 [kWh]		Spotřeba činné energie (A+) v tarifu T2
1.8.3	Positive active energy (A+) in tariff T3 [kWh]		Spotřeba činné energie (A+) v tarifu T3
1.8.4	Positive active energy (A+) in tariff T4 [kWh]		Spotřeba činné energie (A+) v tarifu T4
10.6.0	Apparent Maximum demand (export)		***
10.7.0	Apparent instantaneous power (S-) [kVA]		***
10.8.0	Apparent energy (S-) total [kVAh]		***
11.6.0	Maximum current (I max) [A]		***
11.7.0	Instantaneous current (I) [A]		***
12.7.0	Instantaneous voltage (U) [V]		***
13	Power factor (Applied Meters specific)	1	Účinník (zkrácený kód AMT)
13.25	Power factor average (AMT specific)		Průměrný účinník
13.7.0	Instantaneous power factor (overall)	1	Okamžitá hodnota účinníku
136.1.1	Manufacturer Specific 136.1.1		Specifický údaj výrobce 136.1.1
136.1.2	Manufacturer Specific 136.1.2		Specifický údaj výrobce 136.1.2
136.1.3	Manufacturer Specific 136.1.3		Specifický údaj výrobce 136.1.3
136.1.4	Manufacturer Specific 136.1.4		Specifický údaj výrobce 136.1.4
136.1.5	Manufacturer Specific 136.1.5		Specifický údaj výrobce 136.1.5
136.1.6	Manufacturer Specific 136.1.6		Specifický údaj výrobce 136.1.6
14	Frequency [Hz] (Applied Meters specific)		Frekvence (zkrácený kód AMT)
14.7.0	Frequency [Hz]		Okamžitá hodnota frekvence
15.2.0	Absolute active cumulative maximum demand (|A|) total [kW]		Absolutní činná spotřeba kumulativní (|A|) total
15.2.1	Absolute active cumulative maximum demand (|A|) in tariff T1 [kW]		***
15.2.2	Absolute active cumulative maximum demand (|A|) in tariff T2 [kW]		***
15.2.3	Absolute active cumulative maximum demand (|A|) in tariff T3 [kW]		***
15.2.4	Absolute active cumulative maximum demand (|A|) in tariff T4 [kW]		***
15.4.0	Absolute active demand in a current demand period (|A|) [kW]		***
15.5.0	Absolute active demand in the last completed demand period (|A|) [kW]		***
15.6.0	Absolute active maximum demand (|A|) total [kW]		***
15.6.1	Absolute active maximum demand (|A|) in tariff T1 [kW]		***
15.6.2	Absolute active maximum demand (|A|) in tariff T2 [kW]		***
15.6.3	Absolute active maximum demand (|A|) in tariff T3 [kW]		***
15.6.4	Absolute active maximum demand (|A|) in tariff T4 [kW]		***
15.7.0	Absolute active instantaneous power (|A|) [kW]		***
15.8.0	Absolute active energy (A+) total [kWh]		***
15.8.1	Absolute active energy (A+) in tariff T1 [kWh]		***
15.8.2	Absolute active energy (A+) in tariff T2 [kWh]		***
15.8.3	Absolute active energy (A+) in tariff T3 [kWh]		***
15.8.4	Absolute active energy (A+) in tariff T4 [kWh]		***
16.7.0	Sum active instantaneous power (A+ - A-) [kW]		***
16.8.	Sum active energy without reverse blockade (A+ - A-) in tariff T1 [kWh]		
16.8.0	Sum active energy without reverse blockade (A+ - A-) total [kWh]		***
16.8.2	Sum active energy without reverse blockade (A+ - A-) in tariff T2 [kWh]		***
16.8.3	Sum active energy without reverse blockade (A+ - A-) in tariff T3 [kWh]		***
16.8.4	Sum active energy without reverse blockade (A+ - A-) in tariff T4 [kWh]		***
2.2.0	Negative active cumulative maximum demand (P-) total [kW]		Maximum činné dodávky kumulativní (P-) celkově
2.2.1	Negative active cumulative maximum demand (P-) in tariff T1 [kW]		Maximum činné dodávky kumulativní (P-) v tarifu T1
2.2.2	Negative active cumulative maximum demand (P-) in tariff T2 [kW]		Maximum činné dodávky kumulativní (P-) v tarifu T2
2.2.3	Negative active cumulative maximum demand (P-) in tariff T3 [kW]		Maximum činné dodávky kumulativní (P-) v tarifu T3
2.2.4	Negative active cumulative maximum demand (P-) in tariff T4 [kW]		Maximum činné dodávky kumulativní (P-) v tarifu T4
2.4.0	Negative active demand in a current demand period (P-) [kW]		Činná dodávka (P-) v aktuálním období
2.5.0	Negative active demand in the last completed demand period (P-) [kW]		Činná dodávka (P-) v posledním ukončeném období
2.5.1	Export active tariff 1 power at apparent demand		***
2.5.2	Export active tariff 2 power at apparent demand		***
2.5.3	Export active tariff 3 power at apparent demand		***
2.5.4	Export active tariff 4 power at apparent demand		***
2.6.0	Negative active maximum demand (P-) total [kW]		Maximum činné dodávky (P-) celkově
2.6.1	Negative active maximum demand (P-) in tariff T1 [kW]		Maximum činné dodávky (P-) v tarifu T1
2.6.2	Negative active maximum demand (A-) in tariff T2 [kW]		Maximum činné dodávky (P-) v tarifu T2
2.6.3	Negative active maximum demand (P-) in tariff T3 [kW]		Maximum činné dodávky (P-) v tarifu T3
2.6.4	Negative active maximum demand (P-) in tariff T4 [kW]		Maximum činné dodávky (P-) v tarifu T4
2.7.0	Negative active instantaneous power (A-) [kW]		Okamžitá hodnota činné dodávky (P-)
2.8.0	Negative active energy (A-) total [kWh]		Dodávka činné energie (A-) celkem
2.8.1	Negative active energy (A+) in tariff T1 [kWh]		Dodávka činné energie (A-) v tarifu T1
2.8.2	Negative active energy (A+) in tariff T2 [kWh]		Dodávka činné energie (A-) v tarifu T2
2.8.3	Negative active energy (A+) in tariff T3 [kWh]		Dodávka činné energie (A-) v tarifu T3
2.8.4	Negative active energy (A+) in tariff T4 [kWh]		Dodávka činné energie (A-) v tarifu T4
21.7.0	Positive active instantaneous power (A+) in phase L1 [kW]		***
21.8.0	Positive active energy (A+) in phase L1 total [kWh]		***
22.7.0	Negative active instantaneous power (A-) in phase L1 [kW]		***
22.8.0	Negative active energy (A-) in phase L1 total [kWh]		***
23.7.0	Positive reactive instantaneous power (Q+) in phase L1 [kvar]		***
23.8.0	Phase L1 positive reactive energy (Q+) [kVArh]		***
24.7.0	Negative reactive instantaneous power (Q-) in phase L1 [kvar]		***
24.8.0	Phase L1 negative reactive energy (Q-) [kVArh]		***
29.7.0	Apparent instantaneous power (S+) in phase L1 [kVA]		***
3.2.0	Positive reactive cumulative maximum demand (Q+) total [kvar]		Maximum jalové spotřeby kumulativní (Q+) total
3.36.0	Demand threshold counter 		
3.36.0	Demand threshold counter 		
3.36.0	Demand threshold counter 		
3.4.0	Positive reactive demand in a current demand period (Q+) [kvar]		***
3.5.0	Positive reactive demand in the last completed demand period (Q+) [kvar]		***
3.6.0	Positive reactive maximum demand (Q+) total [kvar]	1	***
3.7.0	Positive reactive instantaneous power (Q+) [kvar]		***
3.8.0	Positive reactive energy (Q+) total [kvarh]	1	***
3.8.1	Positive reactive energy (Q+) in tariff T1 [kvarh]	1	***
3.8.2	Positive reactive energy (Q+) in tariff T2 [kvarh]		***
3.8.3	Positive reactive energy (Q+) in tariff T3 [kvarh]		***
3.8.4	Positive reactive energy (Q+) in tariff T4 [kvarh]		***
30.7.0	Instantaneous apparent export power of phase A		***
31	Current I1 (Applied Meters specific)		Proud I1 (zkrácený kód AMT)
31.25	Current I1 [A] average (AMT specific)		Proud I1 průměr [A]
31.6.0	Maximum current (I max) in phase L1 [A]	1	
31.7.0	Instantaneous current (I) in phase L1 [A]		Proud I1
32	Voltage U1 (Applied Meters specific)		Napětí U1 (zkrácený kód AMT)
32.25	Voltage U1 average (AMT specific)		Napětí U1 průměr [V]
32.32.0	Number of voltage drops (undervoltage counter) in phase L1		
32.7.0	Instantaneous voltage (U) in phase L1 [V]	1	Napětí U1
33.7.0	Instantaneous power factor in phase L1		
35.7.0	Absolute active instantaneous power (|A|) in phase L1 [kW]		
35.8.0	Absolute active energy (|A|) in phase L1 total [kWh]		
36.7.0	Sum active instantaneous power (A+ - A-) in phase L1 [kW]		
4.2.0	Negative reactive cumulative maximum demand (Q-) total [kvar]		Maximum jalové dodávky kumulativní (Q-) total
4.4.0	Negative reactive demand in a current demand period (Q-) [kvar]		***
4.5.0	Negative reactive demand in the last completed demand period (Q-) [kvar]		***
4.6.0	Negative reactive maximum demand (Q-) total [kvar]		***
4.7.0	Negative reactive instantaneous power (Q-) [kvar]	1	***
4.8.0	Negative reactive energy (Q-) total [kvarh]	1	***
4.8.1	Negative reactive energy (Q-) in tariff T1 [kvarh]	1	***
4.8.2	Negative reactive energy (Q-) in tariff T2 [kvarh]		***
4.8.3	Negative reactive energy (Q-) in tariff T3 [kvarh]		***
4.8.4	Negative reactive energy (Q-) in tariff T4 [kvarh]		***
41.7.0	Positive active instantaneous power (A+) in phase L2 [kW]		
41.8.0	Positive active energy (A+) in phase L2 total [kWh]		
42.7.0	Negative active instantaneous power (A-) in phase L2 [kW]		
42.8.0	Negative active energy (A-) in phase L2 total [kWh]		
43.7.0	Positive reactive instantaneous power (Q+) in phase L2 [kvar]		
43.8.0	Phase L2 positive reactive energy (Q+) [kVArh]		
44.7.0	Negative reactive instantaneous power (Q-) in phase L2 [kvar]		
44.8.0	Phase L2 negative reactive energy (Q-) [kVArh]		
49.7.0	Apparent instantaneous power (S+) in phase L2 [kVA]		
5.2.0	Reactive energy Q1 cumulative maximum demand, total [kVAr]		Jalová energie Q1 maximum spotřeby
5.2.1	Reactive energy Q1 cumulative maximum demand, tariff 1 [kVAr]		***
5.2.2	Reactive energy Q1 cumulative maximum demand, tariff 2 [kVAr]		***
5.2.3	Reactive energy Q1 cumulative maximum demand, tariff 3 [kVAr]		***
5.2.4	Reactive energy Q1 cumulative maximum demand, tariff 4 [kVAr]		***
5.4.0	Reactive demand in a current demand period in Q1 (Q1) [kvar]		***
5.5.0	Reactive demand in the last completed demand period in Q1 (Q1) [kvar]		***
5.6.0	Reactive energy Q1 maximum demand, total [kVAr]		***
5.6.1	Reactive energy Q1 maximum demand, tariff 1 [kVAr]		***
5.6.2	Reactive energy Q1 maximum demand, tariff 2 [kVAr]		***
5.6.3	Reactive energy Q1 maximum demand, tariff 3 [kVAr]		***
5.6.4	Reactive energy Q1 maximum demand, tariff 4 [kVAr]		***
5.7.0	Reactive power Q1		***
5.8.0	Imported inductive reactive energy in 1-st quadrant (Q1) total [kvarh]		***
5.8.1	Imported inductive reactive energy in 1-st quadrant (Q1) in tariff T1 [kvarh]		***
5.8.2	Imported inductive reactive energy in 1-st quadrant (Q1) in tariff T2 [kvarh]		***
5.8.3	Imported inductive reactive energy in 1-st quadrant (Q1) in tariff T3 [kvarh]		***
5.8.4	Imported inductive reactive energy in 1-st quadrant (Q1) in tariff T4 [kvarh]		***
50.7.0	Apparent instantaneous power (S-) in phase L2 [kVA]		
51	Current I2 (Applied Meters specific)		Proud I2 (zkrácený kód AMT)
51.25	Current I2 [A] average (AMT specific)		Proud I2 průměr [A]
51.6.0	Maximum current (I max) in phase L2 [A]	1	
51.7.0	Instantaneous current (I) in phase L2 [A]	1	Proud I2
52	Voltage U2 (Applied Meters specific)		Napětí U2 (zkrácený kód AMT)
52.25	Voltage U2 average (AMT specific)		Napětí U2 průměr [V]
52.32.0	Number of voltage drops (undervoltage counter) in phase L2		
52.7.0	Instantaneous voltage (U) in phase L2 [V]	1	Napětí U2
53.7.0	Instantaneous power factor in phase L2		
55.7.0	Absolute active instantaneous power (|A|) in phase L2 [kW]		
55.8.0	Absolute active energy (|A|) in phase L2 total [kWh]		
56.7.0	Sum active instantaneous power (A+ - A-) in phase L2 [kW]		
6.2.0	Reactive energy Q2 cumulative maximum demand, total [kVAr]		Jalová energie Q2 maximum spotřeby
6.2.1	Reactive energy Q2 cumulative maximum demand, tariff 1 [kVAr]		***
6.2.2	Reactive energy Q2 cumulative maximum demand, tariff 2 [kVAr]		***
6.2.3	Reactive energy Q2 cumulative maximum demand, tariff 3 [kVAr]		***
6.2.4	Reactive energy Q2 cumulative maximum demand, tariff 4 [kVAr]		***
6.4.0	Reactive demand in a current demand period in Q2 (Q2) [kvar]		***
6.5.0	Reactive demand in the last completed demand period in Q2 (Q2) [kvar]		***
6.6.0	Reactive energy Q2 maximum demand, total [kVAr]		***
6.6.1	Reactive energy Q2 maximum demand, tariff 1 [kVAr]		***
6.6.2	Reactive energy Q2 maximum demand, tariff 2 [kVAr]		***
6.6.3	Reactive energy Q2 maximum demand, tariff 3 [kVAr]		***
6.6.4	Reactive energy Q2 maximum demand, tariff 4 [kVAr]		***
6.7.0	Reactive power Q2		***
6.8.0	Imported capacitive reactive energy in 2-nd quadrant (Q2) total [kvarh]		***
6.8.1	Imported capacitive reactive energy in 2-nd quadr. (Q2) in tariff T1 [kvarh]		***
6.8.2	Imported capacitive reactive energy in 2-nd quadr. (Q2) in tariff T2 [kvarh]		***
6.8.3	Imported capacitive reactive energy in 2-nd quadr. (Q2) in tariff T3 [kvarh]		***
6.8.4	Imported capacitive reactive energy in 2-nd quadr. (Q2) in tariff T4 [kvarh]		***
61.7.0	Positive active instantaneous power (A+) in phase L3 [kW]		
61.8.0	Positive active energy (A+) in phase L3 total [kWh]		
62.7.0	Negative active instantaneous power (A-) in phase L3 [kW]		
62.8.0	Negative active energy (A-) in phase L3 total [kWh]		
63.7.0	Positive reactive instantaneous power (Q+) in phase L3 [kvar]		
63.8.0	Phase L3 positive reactive energy (Q+) [kVArh]		
64.7.0	Negative reactive instantaneous power (Q-) in phase L3 [kvar]		
64.8.0	Phase L3 negative reactive energy (Q-) [kVArh]		
69.7.0	Apparent instantaneous power (S+) in phase L3 [kVA]		
7.2.0	Reactive energy Q3 cumulative maximum demand, total [kVAr]		Jalová energie Q3 maximum spotřeby
7.2.1	Reactive energy Q3 cumulative maximum demand, tariff 1 [kVAr]		***
7.2.2	Reactive energy Q3 cumulative maximum demand, tariff 2 [kVAr]		***
7.2.3	Reactive energy Q3 cumulative maximum demand, tariff 3 [kVAr]		***
7.2.4	Reactive energy Q3 cumulative maximum demand, tariff 4 [kVAr]		***
7.4.0	Reactive demand in a current demand period in Q3 (Q3) [kvar]		***
7.5.0	Reactive demand in the last completed demand period in Q3 (Q3) [kvar]		***
7.6.0	Reactive energy Q3 maximum demand, total [kVAr]		***
7.6.1	Reactive energy Q3 maximum demand, tariff 1 [kVAr]		***
7.6.2	Reactive energy Q3 maximum demand, tariff 2 [kVAr]		***
7.6.3	Reactive energy Q3 maximum demand, tariff 3 [kVAr]		***
7.6.4	Reactive energy Q3 maximum demand, tariff 4 [kVAr]		***
7.7.0	Reactive power Q3		***
7.8.0	Exported inductive reactive energy in 3-rd quadrant (Q3) total [kvarh]		***
7.8.1	Exported inductive reactive energy in 3-rd quadrant (Q3) in tariff T1 [kvarh]		***
7.8.2	Exported inductive reactive energy in 3-rd quadrant (Q3) in tariff T2 [kvarh]		***
7.8.3	Exported inductive reactive energy in 3-rd quadrant (Q3) in tariff T3 [kvarh]		***
7.8.4	Exported inductive reactive energy in 3-rd quadrant (Q3) in tariff T4 [kvarh]		***
70.7.0	Apparent instantaneous power (S-) in phase L3 [kVA]		
71	Current I3 (Applied Meters specific)		Proud I3 (zkrácený kód AMT)
71.25	Current I3 [A] average (AMT specific)		Proud I3 průměr [A]
71.6.0	Maximum current (I max) in phase L3 [A]	1	
71.7.0	Instantaneous current (I) in phase L3 [A]	1	Proud I3
72	Voltage U3 (Applied Meters specific)		Napětí U3 (zkrácený kód AMT)
72.25	Voltage U3 average (AMT specific)		Napětí U3 průměr [V]
72.32.0	Number of voltage drops (undervoltage counter) in phase L3		
72.7.0	Instantaneous voltage (U) in phase L3 [V]	1	Napětí U3
73.7.0	Instantaneous power factor in phase L3		
75.7.0	Absolute active instantaneous power (|A|) in phase L3 [kW]		
75.8.0	Absolute active energy (|A|) in phase L3 total [kWh]		
76.7.0	Sum active instantaneous power (A+ - A-) in phase L3 [kW]		
8.2.0	Reactive energy Q4 cumulative maximum demand, total [kVAr]		Jalová energie Q4 maximum spotřeby
8.2.1	Reactive energy Q4 cumulative maximum demand, tariff 1 [kVAr]		***
8.2.2	Reactive energy Q4 cumulative maximum demand, tariff 2 [kVAr]		***
8.2.3	Reactive energy Q4 cumulative maximum demand, tariff 3 [kVAr]		***
8.2.4	Reactive energy Q4 cumulative maximum demand, tariff 4 [kVAr]		***
8.4.0	Reactive demand in a current demand period in Q4 (Q4) [kvar]		***
8.5.0	Reactive demand in the last completed demand period in Q4 (Q4) [kvar]		***
8.6.0	Reactive energy Q4 maximum demand, total [kVAr]		***
8.6.1	Reactive energy Q4 maximum demand, tariff 1 [kVAr]		***
8.6.2	Reactive energy Q4 maximum demand, tariff 2 [kVAr]		***
8.6.3	Reactive energy Q4 maximum demand, tariff 3 [kVAr]		***
8.6.4	Reactive energy Q4 maximum demand, tariff 4 [kVAr]		***
8.7.0	Reactive power Q4		***
8.8.0	Exported capacitive reactive energy in 4-th quadrant (Q4) total [kvarh]		***
8.8.1	Exported capacitive reactive energy in 4-th quadr. (Q4) in tariff T1 [kvarh]		***
8.8.2	Exported capacitive reactive energy in 4-th quadr. (Q4) in tariff T2 [kvarh]		***
8.8.3	Exported capacitive reactive energy in 4-th quadr. (Q4) in tariff T3 [kvarh]		***
8.8.4	Exported capacitive reactive energy in 4-th quadr. (Q4) in tariff T4 [kvarh]		***
9.2.0	Apparent cumulative maximum demand (S+) total [kVA]		Maximum zdánlivé spotřeby (S+) total
9.4.0	Apparent demand in a current demand period (S+) [kVA]		***
9.5.0	Apparent demand in the last completed demand period (S+) [kVA]		***
9.6.0	Apparent maximum demand (S+) total [kVA]		***
9.6.0	Apparent Maximum demand (import)		***
9.7.0	Apparent instantaneous power (S+) [kVA]		***
9.8.0	Apparent energy (S+) total [kVAh]		***
9.8.1	Apparent energy (S+) in tariff T1 [kVAh]		***
9.8.2	Apparent energy (S+) in tariff T2 [kVAh]		***
9.8.3	Apparent energy (S+) in tariff T3 [kVAh]		***
9.8.4	Apparent energy (S+) in tariff T4 [kVAh]		***
91.6.0	Maximum current (I max) in neutral [A]		
91.7.0	Instantaneous current (I) in neutral [A]	EON country specific		Zákaznický údaj	EON country specific		Zákaznický údaj	EON country specific		Zákaznický údaj	EON country specific		Zákaznický údaj	EON country specific		Zákaznický údaj
C.1.0	Meter serial number	1	Výrobní číslo přístroje
C.1.1	IEC Device address		Adresa přístroje
C.1.2	Parameters file code		Kód souboru paramtrů
C.1.3	Customer Specific C.1.3		Zákaznický údaj C.1.3
C.1.4	Parameters check sum		
C.1.5	Firmware built date		
C.1.6	Firmware check sum		
C.2.0	Event parameters change - counter	1	Počet změn nastavení parametrů
C.2.1	Event parameters change - timestamp	1	Datum/čas poslední změny parametrů
C.2.10	Customer Specific C.2.10		Zákaznický údaj C.2.10
C.2.11	Customer Specific C.2.11		Zákaznický údaj C.2.11
C.2.7	Customer Specific C.2.7		Zákaznický údaj C.2.7
C.2.9	Last read-out timestamp	1	Čas posledního odečtu (RS485)
C.3.7	Last terminal cover open - timestamp		Čas posledního otevření krytu svorkovnice
C.3.8	Last meter cover open - timestamp		Čas posledního otevření krytu elektroměru
C.3.9	Last attempt to hack with a magnet		Čas posledního napadení magnetem
C.50.1	Firmware CRC		CRC firmware
C.50.2	Last attempt to unauthorized access		Čas posledního pokusu o nepovolený přístup
C.51.1	Event terminal cover opened - counter		Počitadlo otevření krytu svorkovnice
C.51.13	Event power up - counter		Počitadlo obnovení napájení
C.51.14	Event power up - timestamp		Čas posledního obnovení napájení
C.51.15	Event RTC (Real Time Clock) set - counter		
C.51.16	Event RTC (Real Time Clock) set - timestamp		
C.51.2	Event terminal cover opened - timestamp		
C.51.21	Event terminal cover closed - counter		
C.51.22	Event terminal cover closed - timestamp		
C.51.23	Event main cover closed - counter		
C.51.24	Event main cover closed - timestamp		
C.51.25	Event log-book 1 erased - counter		
C.51.26	Event log-book 1 erased - timestamp		
C.51.27	Event fraud start - counter		
C.51.28	Event fraud start - timestamp		
C.51.29	Event fraud stop - counter		
C.51.3	Event main cover opened - counter		
C.51.30	Event fraud stop - timestamp		
C.51.4	Event main cover opened - timestamp		
C.51.5	Event magnetic field detection start - counter		
C.51.6	Event magnetic field detection start - timestamp		
C.51.7	Event reverse power flow - counter		
C.51.8	Event reverse power flow - timestamp		
C.53.1	Tamper 1 energy register		
C.53.10	Tamper 5 time counter register		
C.53.11	Tamper 5 energy register		
C.53.2	Tamper 2 energy register		
C.53.3	Tamper 3 energy register		
C.53.4	Tamper 4 energy register		
C.53.5	Tamper 1 time counter register		
C.53.6	Tamper 2 time counter register		
C.53.7	Tamper 3 time counter register		
C.53.9	Tamper 4 time counter register		
C.54.3	Customer Specific C.54.3		Zákaznický údaj C.54.3
C.54.4	Customer Specific C.54.4		Zákaznický údaj C.54.4
C.54.6	Customer Specific C.54.6		Zákaznický údaj C.54.6
C.56.1	Customer Specific C.56.1		Zákaznický údaj C.56.1
C.56.2	Customer Specific C.56.2		Zákaznický údaj C.56.2
C.56.3	Customer Specific C.56.3		Zákaznický údaj C.56.3
C.6.0	Power down time counter (internal battery run counter)	1	
C.6.1	Internal battery remaining capacity		Kapacita záložní baterie
C.60.9	Fraud flag		
C.7.0	Event power down - counter	1	Výpadek napájení přístroje (počitadlo)
C.7.1	L1 outage detection		Výpadek fáze L1
C.7.10	Event power down - timestamp		Výpadek napájení přístroje (datum/čas)
C.7.2	L2 outage detection		Výpadek fáze L2
C.7.3	L3 outage detection		Výpadek fáze L3
C.87.0	Active tariff		Aktivní tarif
C.99.2	Customer Specific C.99.2		Zákaznický údaj C.99.2
C.C.0	Terminal cover open	1	Otevření krytu svorkovnice
C.C.2	Number of hacking attacks by magnet		Počet pokusů o napadení magnetem
C.C.3	Meter cover open	1	Otevření krytu elektroměru
F.0.1	Status message		Status
F.F	Error status		Chybový kód obecný
F.F.0	Internal error message 1		Chybový kód 1
F.F.1	Internal error message 2		Chybový kód 2
Jen upozornuji, ze je v tom neuveritelnej mrdnik a z kazdeho elektromeru leze neco jineho. CEZ neukazuje aktualni napeti nebo proud, zatimco elektromer od jineho vyrobce (AMT) ano. Zakladni kody jsou shodne, ale neco je hodne specifickeho podle vyrobce/distribucni oblasti. Stejne tak se lisi format hodnoty, kterou elektromer posila.

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Registrován: 22. srpen 2022, 15:46
Bydliště: Frýdlant nad Ostravicí
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Re: Cteni dat z elektromeru pres opticke rozhrani do mqtt

Příspěvek od bimbop »

Dalo by se na odečítání použít toto: https://botland.cz/inode-android-blueto ... 76413.html

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Dárce - Donátor
Dárce - Donátor
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Re: Cteni dat z elektromeru pres opticke rozhrani do mqtt

Příspěvek od tiimsvk »

Ja len rozmýšlam prečo kupovať dráhy čitací modul keď sa to dá lacno vyrobiť cez esphome
Samozrejme záleži aj od elektromera čo všetko dokáže ponúknuť cez oficiálne čitače.
Ale všetko sa dá dolaiť pomocu automatizácie a template senzorov

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Re: Cteni dat z elektromeru pres opticke rozhrani do mqtt

Příspěvek od bimbop »

nad tím jsem uvažoval taky. Nějak nemůžu dohledat příslušné součástky. Rád bych z https://hadex.cz/ Měl bych to bez dopravy. 3d tisk si zajistím. Asi se dostanu na polovinu ceny toho iNode ale moje bastlířské zkušenosti nejsou na vysoké úrovni. :D

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Dárce - Donátor
Dárce - Donátor
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Registrován: 06. květen 2021, 07:03
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Re: Cteni dat z elektromeru pres opticke rozhrani do mqtt

Příspěvek od tiimsvk »

Tak ja mam použitý konkretne tento modul
€ 0,33 5%OFF | 4 pin photodiode module ... m/_m03XRZM

Ale mozes použiť akykolvek photo/svetelno citlivy senzor.

Napr ldr resistor.

Potom sa to da skombinovat s lm393 komparatorom, ktory byva na vsetkych tychto moduloch ako konvert z adc na digitalny signal

Alebo to hodíš priamo cez resistor na adc pin na esp a v yaml uz len nastavis manualne prah kedy zaznamena zasvietenie elektromera.

Je vela možností ak by si sa vybral niektoriu z ciest pomocou esphome tak viem poradiť.

Inak toto bol moj prvy projekt s esp a vlastne uplne prvy v programovani takze bastlirske skusenosti nemusia byt vysoke 🤣

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Bydliště: Frýdlant nad Ostravicí
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Re: Cteni dat z elektromeru pres opticke rozhrani do mqtt

Příspěvek od bimbop »

Uživatelský avatar
Dárce - Donátor
Dárce - Donátor
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Registrován: 06. květen 2021, 07:03
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Re: Cteni dat z elektromeru pres opticke rozhrani do mqtt

Příspěvek od tiimsvk »

Takto to mám ja vyrobené:
Takže ešte nejake dupont kabliky alebo prispajkovať napevno.

Da sa to vyrobiť samozrejme aj s esp8266

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Registrován: 22. srpen 2022, 15:46
Bydliště: Frýdlant nad Ostravicí
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Re: Cteni dat z elektromeru pres opticke rozhrani do mqtt

Příspěvek od bimbop »

Dá se to provozovat bateriově? Třeba 2x 18650. Použil bych z vapingu vyřazené.

Uživatelský avatar
Dárce - Donátor
Dárce - Donátor
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Registrován: 06. květen 2021, 07:03
Dal poděkování: 75 poděkování
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Re: Cteni dat z elektromeru pres opticke rozhrani do mqtt

Příspěvek od tiimsvk »

Tak to je asi jediny energy meter, ktorý neviem spojazniť na batériu pretože pri odbere 300w ti chodi impulz kazdych 10s. Co znamená ze nevies tam normalne aplikovat deep sleep a musis ratat so spotrebou 80mA pri esp8266
To znamená ze ak tam das 2x18650 s kapacitou 5000mAh spolu tak ti to vydrzi 1,5 dna max 2 dni. a to nepocitam ziadne ine suciatsky iba esp8266

Takze ak by si chcel predsa na bateriu tak velky solarny panel a nejaka dobra 12V bateria


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